
Title: Xbox Series S – Gilded Hunter Bundle

(1 customer review)

  • Next-gen gaming with Xbox Series S console.
  • Includes exclusive Gilded Hunter Bundle with in-game items and cosmetics.
  • Compact design, perfect for small spaces.
  • Digital-only console, with access to thousands of games via Xbox Game Pass.
  • 120 FPS for smooth, high-performance gameplay.
  • Fast load times with the 512GB SSD storage.
  • Next-gen ray tracing and enhanced graphics for stunning visuals.
  • Great for gamers who want affordable next-gen gaming without the physical discs.

$299.99 $394.99


The Xbox Series S – Gilded Hunter Bundle offers a sleek, next-gen gaming experience in a compact form. This bundle includes the Xbox Series S console and exclusive Gilded Hunter gear, including in-game items and cosmetics. Perfect for gamers who want to experience fast, digital gaming with a stylish upgrade.


Based on 1 review

5.0 overall

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  1. Christine Vachon

    My son loves it and it has been top notch. Great buy.

    Christine Vachon