Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is an epic open-world action-adventure game set in feudal Japan. Play as Jin Sakai, a samurai defending Tsushima Island from Mongol invaders. This Director’s Cut edition includes the original game along with a new Iki Island expansion, offering more story, enemies, and challenges. Enhanced for PlayStation 5 with stunning 4K visuals, smooth 60fps performance, and immersive DualSense features, it’s the definitive version of the award-winning game. Dive into a breathtaking world of samurai combat, stealth, and exploration!
PlayStation 5
Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut
- Genre: Action-Adventure, Open-World
- Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
- Platform: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
- Release Date: August 20, 2021
- Storyline: Set in feudal Japan, players control Jin Sakai, a samurai who must defend Tsushima Island from Mongol invaders.
- Director’s Cut Features: Includes the original game along with expanded content, featuring a new story chapter on Iki Island.
- New Content: The Iki Island expansion introduces new enemies, environments, and storylines.
- Enhanced Graphics: PlayStation 5 version includes 4K resolution, 60fps performance, and improved loading times.
- DualSense Features: Haptic feedback and adaptive triggers for a more immersive combat and exploration experience.
- Gameplay Mechanics: Sword fighting, stealth, and exploration with a blend of samurai and ninja-like combat techniques.
- Photo Mode: Advanced photo mode for capturing beautiful moments from the game world.
- Critical Acclaim: Widely praised for its cinematic storytelling, stunning open world, and fluid combat system.
- Replayability: Multiple difficulty levels, side quests, and collectibles for players to enjoy.
$43.89 $51.63
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